BioWare Releases Extended Cut Ending DLC For Mass Effect 3


Let’s start with a brief recap. A few months ago gamers the world over that had invested so much into BioWare’s Mass Effect trilogy became disenchanted upon beating Mass Effect 3. The biggest issue gamers had was the endings which felt contrived and didn’t fit into the game series itself, with the words “Space Magic” getting thrown around fairly often. The issue became a movement with players going so far as to band together in order to lobby for better and/or alternative endings. Some 4,000 people even donated $80,000 to the Child’s Play charity, which subsequently got shut down over some misunderstandings. Regardless, the movement seems to have been a success to an extent, considering BioWare has crafted the extended cut and has released it today. An audio interview (below) with Casey Hudson talks about the extended cut saying “In some cases, people feared the worst – that no matter what your decisions you make, the entire galaxy is destroyed, everyone starves to death and so on, which of course, wasn’t our intention.” This roller coaster ride over the last few months that had everything from mentions of artistic integrity to gamer entitlement is finally over. BioWare will release the Extended Cut ending DLC for free today on PC and Xbox 360 users worldwide. PS3 users in North America can also get the DLC today, but everyone else will need to wait until July 4th.

Creator Bioware is releasing a free update that gives players more insight into the effect their actions had on the original game’s setting. The extended ending follows an outcry by fans who complained the original ignored decisions made during play.

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