Next Apple iPhone to feature larger screen


Sources report that tech giant Apple Computer has placed orders for a new larger sized screen with its Asian suppliers of iPhone displays. The displays are reported to be ‘considerably’ larger than the 3.5″ screens that are being used on current Apple iPhone models. The screen is said to be at least 4-inches wide, corner-to-corner and will be the focal point of the newest generation of iPhone coming in October. This looks to be a direct response to arch-enemy Samsung whose smartphones have screens of us to 4.8-inches.

Larger screen for iPhone

The new iPhone screens will measure 4 inches from corner to corner, one source said. That would represent a roughly 30 percent increase in viewing area, assuming Apple keeps other dimensions proportional. Apple has used a 3.5-inch screen since introducing the iPhone in 2007. It is likely all three of the screen suppliers will get production orders from Apple, which could begin as soon as June. That would allow the new iPhone to go into production as soon as August, if the company follows its own precedent in moving from orders for prototypes for key components to launch.

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