Unreal Engine 4 Amazing Demo Screenshots Released


In a Wired article about the state of gaming, consoles and Unreal Engine 4, Epic released some, well, epic, screenshots of a demo showing off what UE4 is capable of. It’s so good in fact, that it looks almost photoreal in places. The two minute demo was shown at GDC behind closed doors to around 30 people, who’s jaws dropped at the visuals and is due to be officially shown to the public in June, when UE4 is released.

One of the many benefits of the new engine, besides creating fantastic-looking video, are dramatic efficiency improvements when developing games. Typically, when certain rendering aspects are altered, such as lighting effects, there is a “baking time” of around 30 minutes where the computer has to go away and precompute lots of data. UE4 eliminates this entirely, allowing developers to see their changes instantly, thus helping speed up and improve game development by orders of magnitude – a massive benefit to developers and gamers alike, who will benefit from a better product.

In June, UE4 will be revealed to the gaming public. The reactions will likely be as spontaneous as staged lighting effects used to be. Its all pre-scripted at this point: Fanboys will wet their pants, contrarian analysts will wring their hands, message boards will explode in either fury or collective orgasm. In all of the clamor and fanfare, though, the simple truth will be lost. Epic has redefined gaming before, and with Unreal 4 the company is doing it again.

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