Enlighted Ebook Publisher Goes DRM-Free


While the big American content companies, fronted by the RIAA & MPAA continue to press for more DRM and more oppressive laws to stamp out so-called ‘piracy’, many smaller content producers are waking up to the futility and gross customer disservice of taking this approach. Now, Tom Doherty Associates, publishers of Tor, Forge, Orb, Starscape, and Tor Teen have announced that they will stop using all DRM from early July 2012. Also, Tor UK have are already DRM-free.

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“Our authors and readers have been asking for this for a long time,” said president and publisher Tom Doherty. “Theyre a technically sophisticated bunch, and DRM is a constant annoyance to them. It prevents them from using legitimately-purchased e-books in perfectly legal ways, like moving them from one kind of e-reader to another.”

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