Mozilla Ends Support for Firefox 3.6: Refuseniks Will Have to Upgrade


There are still many people who swear by Firefox 3.6 and refuse to let it go and upgrade to the latest version. This is likely because Firefox 4 was somewhat buggy and they felt let down so stayed within their comfort zones. However, Mozilla has now ended all support for this old browser, now at version 3.6.28, so they will have to upgrade to the latest in order to get security and functionality updates and avoid being increasingly left behind.

Firefox 3, codenamed “Namoroka” was released on January 21 2010, Firefox 4 on March 22, 2011 and since version 5, the rapid release cycle kicked in, causing us to now see Firefox at a version-busting 12. Since businesses have trouble keeping up with so many Firefox versions (one released every six weeks) Mozilla has helped them by creating Extended Support Release (ESR) versions of Firefox, which provides support for 54 weeks after release.

While updated every six weeks, these releases only receive security updates and not the feature updates that are included in the regular desktop browser updates.

The current ESR release is Firefox 10.0.4 ESR, which will be supported until February 12, 2013 as version 10.0.8. Mozilla will launch the next ESR version as Firefox 17.0 ESR on November 12, 2012, which provides businesses ample time to transition to the new browser version.

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