Activision Blizzard Gets Sued For Virtual World Infrigement


It seems Activision Blizzard are in some serious hot water, as they are now being sued by Worlds Inc. Apparently Activision Blizzard violated a patent belonging to Worlds Inc. that covered virtual worlds and was filed August 3, 2000. The firm is claiming that games such as World of Warcraft are in direct violation of the patent and are seeking “fair compensation.” The patent, which Worlds Inc. is claiming was violated, covers a “system and method for enabling users to interact in a virtual space.” Those thinking this is all just a dog and pony show may be surprised to know Worlds Inc received a settlement from NCSoft over City of Heroes back in 2010. Considering the fact Worlds Inc has won previous disputes of this kind, will Activision Blizzard take this to court and duke it out, or will they just settle and move on? Those interested in the patent itself can find it here.

Activision Blizzard Vs Worlds Inc.

“Technologies created by Worlds have helped the businesses of virtual worlds gaming and the sale of virtual goods to grow into a multi-billion dollar industry,” said Worlds CEO Thom Kidrin. “While we are pleased to see that the gaming industry and its rapidly growing customer base have enthusiastically embraced our patented technologies, we deserve fair compensation for their use.”

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