Mass Effect 3 Fans Getting Closure


BioWare, which is now owned by EA, has announced they are releasing an “Extended Cut” download for the popular Mass Effect 3 game. Many fans of the game wrote in to BioWare stating that the ending provided little closure and left too many questions unanswered. They assure these fans that by downloading the Extended Cut, they will receive the closure they desire, without compromising the artistic vision of the game’s creators. No specific date has been given for the availability of this add-on, only that you can obtain it in the “coming months” for free.


“We always intended that the scale of the conflict and the underlying theme of sacrifice would lead to a bittersweet ending,” ME3 executive producer Casey Hudson explained in a BioWare website forum.

“To do otherwise would betray the agonizing decisions Shepard had to make along the way.”

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