BT Unleashes RABIT Technology To Catch Cable Thieves


When your internet connection goes down and kills your intense online gaming session, it’s not always the fault of your ISP. Sometimes it’s the fault of cable thieves. They steal cables because the scrap value of copper and aluminium is now very high, allowing them to fence it to scrap metal dealers for a tidy profit.

To counter this, British Telecom have developed the RABIT (Rapid Assessment Bt Incident Tracker) alarm technology to help catch thieves in the act. It can act within minutes and detect when a cable has been cut or damaged, accurately pin-pointing an incident to a road or street, helping to catch criminals in the act. Luke Beeson, general manager, BT Security, said: “BT’s new burglar alarm on the network will make thieves think again. We are now able to inform the Police of the exact location of malicious network attacks and, if trials are anything to go by, it wont be long before they start catching the thieves in the act.”

The numbers of arrests related to BT cable theft are continuing to rise, with the average number of arrests per month up nearly eight per cent on last year. In the last 11 months the number of arrests has reached more than 480, already more than the 446 arrests in 2010. It is estimated that around 80 per cent of BT’s cable theft is carried out by organised crime gangs. BT recovered 240 tonnes of stolen metal in the past eleven months, as a result of visits to scrap metal dealers and working with Police forces on targeted operations and national metal theft days of action.

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