Graphing Calculator Created in Minecraft


The popular Minecraft world-creation game never ceases to spawn new and interesting worlds. Here, we have a huge and complex graphing calculator made by a 16 year old, who has made a YouTube video to show it off. It’s not simply a fancy display either. The actual calculating guts of the virtual device, including the ‘RAM’ are built out of standard Minecraft blocks. In fact, the whole construction is made up of just over 5 million blocks!

The large screen can show a whopping 25 digits, it can draw graphs and it can also do a few scientific calculationss. If this doesn’t sound like much, remember that all this was hand-coded in the Minecraft world by a young person, so this project is quite an achievement. When viewing the video, it’s worth looking at the notes under it on YouTube. Luckily for Minecraft calculator fans, this isn’t the only example and many more can be found on YouTube.

The calculator itself is just over 250x200x100 blocks. It contains 2 6-digit BCD number selectors, 2 BCD-to-binary decoders, 3 binary-to-BCD decoders, 6 BCD adders and subtractors, a 20 bit (output) multiplier, 10 bit divider, a memory bank and additional circuitry for the graphing function.

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