Amazon Lists Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H Equipped HeidePC’s For Sale


It seems Amazon has jumped the gun today, listing Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H equipped PCs by HeidePC for sale. Of course our readers are probably well aware that it is currently impossible to purchase Z77 motherboards, but as we can see here it seems someone either at HeidePC or Amazon has made a mistake, as currently Z77 boards are not scheduled for sale until April. The PCs listed from HeidePC are your standard fare gaming rigs for the most part, mostly consisting of Intel Sandy Bridge Core i5 and i7 unlocked CPUs paired up with only Gigabyte Z77 motherboards and your typical assortment of entry – performance segment graphics cards from AMD and NVIDIA. While users may not be able to purchase Z77 motherboards currently, the information we can take from this is that someone at Amazon or HeidePC made a mistake and that Z77 motherboards are ready to go with motherboard vendors waiting for release day to arrive. Readers can find the listing on Amazon located here. HeidePC listing

Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H info

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