NPD Calculated Non-Retail Game Sales In US & Europe At $3.3 Billion


It seems The NPD Group has tracked consumer spending on all gaming related content in the United States, UK, France and Germany for the fourth quarter of 2011. They tracked all monetization, methods except for new physical retail sales. This means used games, rentals, subscription payments, digital sales, social networking games, downloadable content, and mobile games, reached a massive combined total of $3.33 Billion USD in just 4 markets. The United States sits at the top, having accounted for $2.04 Billion on its own, while the UK came in at $508 million, Germany and France sit at $461 million and $320 million respectively. It is rather amazing to see just how much digital and non-retail sales actually account for in the gaming industry today.

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This information sources from NPDs expanding portfolio of global tracking research available through its Games Market Dynamics services, and addresses the demand for broader global insights and market comparisons using consistent measures and definitions across different geographies.

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