Windows 8 Tablets to be Launched in October?


It appears that the launch of Windows 8 will be made shortly before the launch of Windows 8 tablets, around October, which makes sense when you think about it. All the usual suspects will be making them, including the likes of Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Lenovo, Acer and Asustek.

Windows 8 will be launched on two CPU architectures, with x86 having the advantage of a complete supply chain, while ARM will appeal to those looking for lower costs. Note that apps and drivers written for one CPU architecture will NOT work on the other though – unless Microsoft suddenly reveal an advanced emulator that no-one knew about. Also, Apple is likely to launch another 9.7 inch iPad in October (we can’t wait to see what name they give it this time) so competition is going to be intense and the consumer will get a lot of tablet for their money. The high resolution screens are particularly worth looking forward to.

Vendors including Samsung Electronics, Sony, Toshiba, Lenovo, Acer and Asustek are expected to launch Windows 8 on ARM (WoA) tablet PCs in early 2013, the sources indicated. However, Nokia may take the initiative to launch 10-inch WoA tablets equipped with Qualcomm processors in November 2012, the sources claimed.

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