L.A. School Board To Review $1-Billion iPad Project


LAUSD iPad Program The rollout for one of the most ambitious student technology programs is off to a very rough start. The Los Angeles Unified School District initial rollout to 47 campuses was marred by reports of students hacking the new iPads and disabling security settings to play video games and reaching unauthorized websites. In fact, things got so bad in the first weeks of the rollout, that the out District asked many of the schools to have their students return their devices. It was then that schools reported devices missing and parents confused about who was responsible for the devices. Many people were outraged at the $678 price tag of what seemed to be a run-of-the mill Apple iPad, but it was later disclosed that this price included a no questions asked warranty and replacement as well as number of different electronic textbooks and academic software that were preloaded on each iPad. While there are some bugs to be ironed out still, the majority of teachers and students are excited to have this technology in the classroom. Time will tell how fast these rollout glitches will work out.

LAUSD Deasy iPad