57% Believe a Cyber Arms Race is Currently Taking Place


McAfee and the Security & Defence Agenda (SDA) recently revealed the findings from a report; Cyber-security: The Vexed Question of Global Rules that paints, for the first time, a global snapshot of current thinking about the cyber-threat and the measures that should be taken to defend against them, and assesses the way ahead. The SDA, the leading defense and security think-tank in Brussels, interviewed leading global security experts to ensure that findings would offer usable recommendations and actions. The report was created to identify key debate areas and trends and to help to governments and organizations understand how their cyber defense posture compares to those of other countries and organizations.

Cyber Security

Here are some noted findings:

  • 57% of global experts believe that an arms race is taking place in cyber space.
  • 36% believe cyber-security is more important than missile defense.
  • 43% identified damage or disruption to critical infrastructure as the greatest single threat posed by cyber-attacks with wide economic consequences (up from 37% in McAfees 2010 Critical Infrastructure Report).
  • 45% of respondents believe that cyber-security is as important as border security.
  • The state of cyber-readiness of the United States, Australia, UK, China and Germany all ranked behind smaller countries such as Israel, Sweden and Finland (23 countries ranked in report).

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