Rumor: Microsoft’s Next Gen XBOX Might Not Play Used Games


It would appear sources close to Kotaku have some dirt on the next gen XBOX. Microsoft apparently intends to incorporate an anti-used game system as part of their new console. How they would go about doing this is not specified as of yet, but one hunch would be a DRM based approach much like Valve’s STEAM or EA’s Origin. This would tie the games to a specific account and lock users from sharing games with friends or family. Now keep in mind this is a rumor, but I am sure game developers and publishers alike would be extremely happy with this development, after all they would get a larger share of the profit for their work. Now if this turns out to be true I have to wonder what the ramifications will be to the gaming industry as a whole. The changes this would bring could possibly kill companies such as Gamefly and Gamestop who depend on used game sales, and rentals. Then there is the potential anger from consumers who rely on those companies to get their gaming fix. So tell me what are your thoughts on this? Is this a good idea for Microsoft or will it only hurt them in the long run if this was to be implemented?


A push in any way by Microsoft against used games would likely be cheered from publishers sick of seeing retailers like GameStop crow about their revenues from the sale of used games. But it could potentially anger consumers who rely on buying cheaply-sold used games or even pass games to relatives or friends.

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