No Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrade for Motorola Until Summer 2012?


Looks like those Motorola users who have a DROID RAZR, DROID Bionic, or XOOM, might have to wait until summer 2012 to get your Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. That seems an awful long time to wait to get the latest version of the Android operating system for hardware that can clearly run the OS. Motorola explains in a blog post that the upgrade process isn’t an easy one and will take some time. Based on their comments, upgrades will come no earlier than March 2012, but based on previous roll outs, we are looking at something around the summer.

Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Motorola gave us a better picture via their blog which helps explain the process its existing devices will go through before reaching delicious Android 4.0. Unfortunately, by our estimates you would be waiting right up until the summer of 2012 before it rolls out. So why 4 to 6 months? According to Motorola, 4 big steps need to take place before your Android phone can get the update:

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