Sen. Joe Lieberman Wants Google To Ban Terrorist Web Content


Last week, Sen. Joe Lieberman wrote to Googles CEO complaining about terrorists using Googles Blogger. Lieberman says that Google needs to employ a system that can be used to ban terrorist material on the Goolge-hosted Blogger site. Jose Pimentel, an accused terrorist, was said to be posting hateful writings and links for bomb making instructions on his blog site through his personal Blogger site. Lieberman also wants Google to make the Blogger site policies more like YouTubes, which is also owned by Google. YouTube prohibited terrorist content on its servers in September 2008.

Google Logo

Pimentels hate-filled writings and bomb-making instruction links were littered throughout, his Google-hosted Blogger site, Lieberman noted. Pimentel has been accused of attempting to plan whats being described as a lone wolf terrorist attack by using pipe bombs.

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