SWOP-USA (Prostitutes) boycott Grand Theft Auto


The Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) USA website has put a post on their main page calling for the boycott of the popular video game GTA. I personally think they are a day late and a buck short, but to each their own. I have played violent video games for 10+ years and I’ve yet to murder, rape, or get in fights. The game allows you to pick up prostitutes and if you want you can beat them up to get your money back. Sounds like real life to me!

Although SWOP-USA will always be adamantly opposed to any and all forms of censorship, as concerned parents ourselves, we wish to inform other parents of the potential danger extremely violent video games pose to children. And in the interest of furthering sex worker?s human and civil rights to life and personal safety, we object to any media which represents sex workers as legitimate targets of violence, rape and murder. Since the video game Grand Theft Auto accrues points to players for the depiction of the rape and murder of prostitutes, SWOP-USA calls on all parents and all gamers to boycott Grand Theft Auto.

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