Seagate Has Shipped 1 Million Solid State Hybrid Drives – Momentus XT


Seagate announced this morning that the company has shipped its one millionth solid state hybrid drive for laptop PCs after launching the product Momentus XT in spring 2010. The Momentus XT solid state hybrid drive, a 7200RPM drive with up to 500GB of capacity, boots up to 50 percent faster than traditional 5400RPM drives and sets new benchmarks for real-world system performance for laptops and gaming systems. Seagates Adaptive Memory technology is key to the drives speed, optimizing its performance by moving frequently used information into the 4GB of onboard solid state memory for faster bootup and application access. Legit Reviews did a review on the Momentus XT 500GB drive back in May 2010 that you can check out here.

Seagate Momentus XT

Seagate’s shipment of its one millionth Momentus XT drive is just the beginning of a bright future for solid state hybrid drives, said John Rydning, research director at IDC. Fast, capacious, and economical hybrid HDD and NAND flash storage solutions like the Momentus XT drive will be found in roughly 25 percent of all new PCs shipped in 2015.

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