Internet Explorer 6 users have low IQs, study says


Even though Microsoft has been urging users to upgrade their browsers in addition to dropping official support, there are still a lot of users stubbornly holding on to the dinosaur that is Internet Explorer 6. A recent study shows that these users have an average IQ that nearly qualifies them for a permanent seat on the short bus by just cracking the 80 mark on the IQ scale. Is it really an intelligence issue, apathy, laziness, or a simple fear of change? Maybe this is just a clever ploy to guilt the stragglers into taking action. If nothing else, if you’re still using IE 6, you’re putting your computer at risk as major known vulnerabilities exist so update your browser to the myriad of choices available and then reward yourself by heading to the Mensa website.


So if you’re still among the approximately 10.7 percent of the world on IE6 notoriously buggy and incompatible with pretty much everything except malware here’s some science bound to make you embrace change. IE6 users have an average IQ score barely over 80, according to a recent study by Vancouver-based psychometric consulting company, AptiQuant.

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