Russian security service wants to ban Skype and Gmail


The Russian security service has proposed banning Skype, Hotmail and Gmail as their “uncontrolled use” could pose a security threat, a service official said during a government meeting on Friday. The comments from the head of the service’s information and special communication centre Alexander Andreyechkin were disowned by the Kremlin but come amid mounting concern over state meddling in the internet in Russia.

Skype Logo

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is “increasingly concerned” by the mass use of these services, which use foreign-made encryption technology, Mr Andreyechkin said, RIA Novosti agency reported. “Uncontrolled usage of these services may lead to massive threat to Russia’s security,” he said at a meeting of the government’s communication and technology committee. Control of internet traffic through these services is done from servers outside Russia, and so they are often used by extremist organisations, Mr Andreyechkin was reported as saying before the meeting continued without the press.

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