ASUS Announces Quad-Core Android Honeycomb Tablet


At CeBIT 2011 ASUS CEO Jerry Shen has announced that ASUS will be releasing a tablet in the next few months to compete with giants Apple (iPad 2), Motorola (Xoom), and Samsung (Galaxy Tab 2). What will set ASUS apart is their tablet will be powered by a Quad-Core processor! We not exactly sure what kind of tablet applications will need 4 processors, but it certainly makes the world of tablet computing interesting. ASUS is planning on delivering its tablet sometime in the summer.

ASUS Quad-Core Tablet

According to Shen, ASUS will launch a 3D tablet running a quad-core processor sometime in 2011. Although Shen refused to be drawn into a commitment to any particular quad-core chip, right now, theres only one to really talk about : NVIDIAs next iteration of Tegra, code-named Kal-El (after the last son of Krypton), which will offer five times the performance over Tegra 2, as well as the ability to stream videos that are twice the resolution of 1080p.

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