56 Years of Playboy on a 250GB Hard Drive for $299.95


Do you know a big fan of Playboy Magazine? If you do you might want to check out this 250GB Playboy hard drive that you can buy for $299 that contains every single issue of Playboy from December 1953 to the December 2009 issue. All the material is included is an external 5400 RPM USB enclosure that has the Playboy logo engraved on it. Could be a great gift idea!

Playboy Magazine Archive

From Marilyn Monroe to Hefs latest hottie; 650 issues, 56 years and over 100,000 pages of pinup glory all found in one convenient package. Playboy gives new meaning to the term hard drive with the Playboy Cover to Cover portable drive. Its basically a no-name 250GB drive that comes pre-loaded with all the issues of Playboy from 1953 til now. To make it easier for you to browse this humongous collection of beautiful ladies, the drive comes with the Bondi magazine browsing software to make it easier for you to hole up somewhere and ogle for hours on end.

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