3D Television to Take Center Stage at 2010 International CES


One of the hot topics at the 2010 International CES this week is expected to be 3D TV technology and an abundance of products on display. We should see a multitude of products from Blu-ray DVD players to television monitors to end-to-end 3D solutions. Legit Reviews will once again be on hand to bring you on-the-floor reports for not only this, but all things CES. Stay tuned to these pages!

Some highlights at CES include:

  • 3D displays in all formats: flat screen (in a variety of sizes–mostly large screen), video projector and computer monitors
  • 3D movies demonstrated via the just finalized Blu-ray 3D standard on prototype 3D Blu-ray players
  • 3D games demonstrated on all popular videogame console formats
  • 3D authoring software for Blu-ray
  • End-to-end 3D solutions encompassing everything from image capture through distribution and display
  • 3D still images that do not require glasses to view
  • 2D-to-3D real-time and offline video processing
  • Technology for converting a live high definition broadcast to 3D including live capture in HD of show attendees with 3D viewing
  • Accessories such as active shutter 3D glasses and 3D-optimized projector screens

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