25 million in 99 days: Do you all ever sleep?


Looks like Firefox is gaining some market share over the past couple months!

On February 15th, exactly 99 days after it was released, Firefox 1.0 smashed through the 25 million download milestone. “Thank you.” says Blake on spreadfirefox.com “Thank you for helping us take this product from 25 to 25 million, from our little corner of the world to yours, from the technically elite to Karen and Rimone.”

“Twenty five million Firefox downloads is a significant achievement, and we see that number continuing to grow,” said Mitchell Baker, president of the Mozilla Foundation. “Firefox is being rapidly adopted by the mainstream, with this audience embracing Firefox as a more user-friendly web browsing solution.” Firefox downloads have continues at a steady rate since it’s launch in November, with well above 200,000 downloads per day. With IE 7 being released as beta in the summer, and Firefox 1.1 planned for June, 2005 is looking to be a pretty good for browser development (lets hope, eh). ”

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