12-Year-Old FarmVille User Runs up $1400 in Debt


A 12 year old spent over $400 of his own savings on the online game, FarmVille. He then turned to his mother’s credit card (without her permission) and charged $950 in order to finance his FarmVille habit. Facebook has since disabled the account, but the game publisher, Zynga is not going to refund any of it and expects the family to pay the outstanding bill. Zyngas suggestion: Use a password next time.

FarmVille Debt

[The Mother] contacted her credit card company, HSBC, but was told she would only qualify for a refund if she reported her son to the police and obtained a crime number. “He would be cautioned and I have been told that this caution would stay with him. Obviously the idea of a stupid farm simulation jeopardising his future earnings is not something that I want to consider,” she said.

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