Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7600 on the Dell XPS M1710


CineBench 9.5 and Super PI


CINEBENCH 9.5 is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D R8. The tool is set to deliver accurate benchmarks by testing not only a computer’s raw processing speed but also all other areas that affect system performance such as OpenGL, multithreading, multiprocessors and Intel’s new HT Technology. Again, higher Frames/Second and lower rendering time in seconds equal better performance.

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Our Cinebench 9.5 results show again how the T7600 just reigns supreme over the T2600, completing the benchmark at an 17% faster pace in single CPU benchmark and 18% in the SMP results. The T7600 looks like it’s doing well so far!

Super Pi Mod Version 1.5 XS:

Super Pi calculates the number Pi in this raw number crunching benchmark. The benchmark is fairly diverse and allows the user to change the number of digits of Pi that can be calculated. In this benchmark we ran Super Pi to 1 million places.

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When it came to Super Pi the T7600 was able to beat the T2600 by 6 seconds, which is a 21% improvement in time. Not too shabby for all those for the lowest super pi scores. Just imagaine a T7600 in a desktop board and overclocked!

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