EVGA Dual Socket Intel LGA 1366 Motherboard For CES 2010 Pictured


Jacob over at EVGA put up a Twitter post this New Years Eve that has a little Easter egg in it for hardware enthusiasts around the world. He posted up a picture of an upcoming Dual Socket Intel LGA 1366 motherboard. This is interesting as in the months ahead Intel will be releasing 6-core ‘Gulftown’ Core i9 processors that are said to be drop-in compatible with LGA 1366 boards! Imagine one of these EVGA motherboards with a pair of processors that contain six cores and 12MB of cache per chip! Happy New Year indeed!

EVGA Dual Socket Intel LGA 1366 Motherboard For CES 2010 Pictured

The Future… Stay Tuned CES 2010! Yes, it is a Classified model � And all the features one would expect on a Classified.

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