BP Oil Spill in the Gulf – Live Cam Feed Now Public


Want to watch a live video feed of the BP Oil Spill from the ocean floor, 5000 feet below the surface? Now you can thanks to Chairman Ed Markey who requested this footage be made available to the public. You can watch the feed here or here, but the site is really slow since it is being visited by thousands right now. It was originally estimated that 5,000 barrels of oil a day has been leaking from the broken drill pipe. It appears that estimate was low as that much is now being piped up to the ship and you can see they are still missing a fair amount of oil!

BP Oil Spill

Allowing the public to view this video could provide our best scientists and engineers with information that could be helpful in developing much needed solutions to the ongoing oil spill, both in terms of subsea operations and surface spill response, writes Rep. Markey in the letter. Rep. Markey chairs the Energy and Environment Subcommittee in the Energy and Commerce Committee. Congress and the American public have the right to know what is happening in real time, so that they can understand and react to the situation as it develops.

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