And it Begins…


Just about every gaming geek secretly hopes for a zombie apocalypse. After all, most have been training for it, at least virtually, for quite some time and it’s seen an explosion in pop culture popularity. The Walking Dead series has even posted record ratings for a cable TV show. Why do we bring this up? Well, recent news reports out of Miami describe something that could very well be imagined in the world of zombies – a man found chewing another’s face off! When confronted and shot once by a responding officer, he continued his feast! Apparently a double-tap was in order as a subsequent round put down the offender for good. Crazy! Are you prepared??? See link for videos, news links, etc!


Police said the man bit off parts of the victim’s cheek bone, ear, and nose. Officers said they couldn’t take any chances because it appeared the attacker was enraged and that he ripped off his own clothes and refused orders to back off.

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